About me
Judy Stecker is an Executive Vice President in Burson’s Corporate Affairs practice. She is a known, trusted strategic advisor with more than 15 years of experience managing diverse teams focused on strategic communications, policy, external affairs, crisis communications, government affairs and media relations in the public and private sectors.
In her role, she advises high-profile executives and organizations – spanning industry and scale – on strategic imperatives, reputation management, public policy impacts, third-party influencer engagement and earned media campaigns. She has a reputation for being a super connector and skilled storyteller and has a proven track record of developing and executing integrated public affairs and earned media campaigns that build and amplify corporate reputation and resonate with critical stakeholders.
Stecker has deep experience in executive thought leadership and reputation building, public policy communications, executive branch and federal agency operations, public health, hospital and provider systems, pharmaceutical industry, veterans' affairs, and third-party interest groups and influencers. She brings expertise on issues such as access and affordability, drug pricing, mark et recalls and withdrawals and crisis communications.
Prior to joining Burson predecessor company Hill and Knowlton in 2021, Stecker served as the Deputy Chief of Staff at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), where she managed public affairs, congressional, intergovernmental, external affairs, media relations and secretarial operations for the Cabinet-level and was her department’s top authority on media relations and public affairs.
Stecker also served as the lead executive for all COVID-19 and Operation Warp Speed external outreach. Stecker joined HHS as the Assistant Secretary of Public Affairs, and led all external engagement for HHS senior leadership, including HHS Secretary, Alex M. Azar II. Stecker developed and supported strategic media campaigns on policy priorities and announcements, including American Patients First Drug pricing blueprint, Ending the HIV Epidemic, and the Crisis Next Door, curbing the opioid epidemic.
Previously, Stecker led strategic communications for the American Enterprise Institute. Stecker is deeply engaged in the patient advocacy and rare disease community as the mother of a son with CLN3 Juvenile Batten Disease. She also serves as a member of the National Institutes of Health ENGAGE working group, committed to charting a bold new vision and framework in the design and planning of NIH-funded clinical research. The working group is a part of the Novel and Exceptional Technology and Research Advisory Committee (NExTRAC).
Stecker graduated from Syracuse University with a B.A. in Political Science and Women’s Studies and holds a Masters of Arts in communication, culture and technology from Georgetown University. Key thought leadership pieces: The FDA Could Help Save My Son from a Rare Disease (The Wall Street Journal Subscription Required) FDA needs to build in more flexibility for Rare Disease (STAT News) Judy Stecker SVP, Corporate Affairs Washington D.C.